About Me

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My name is Lauren, I am a 23 year old wife, mother, student, employee, friend and CHRISTIAN! I believe in Jesus Christ and I know that as long as I believe in myself, the Lord will see me through! As far as my weightloss journey is concerned, I have always been a heavy girl! I was picked on when I was younger, my feelings were often hurt (KIDS ARE MEAN), and I wanted to change, but was always too LAZY to change. THUS BEING SAID, TODAY IS MY DAY!!! From this day forward, I vow to do everything in my power to be a healthy woman for not only my family and friends, BUT ALSO FOR ME!!! As I work towards my goal, I need all the prayers and support that I can get. Thank you in advance!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Its Been A While!!!

Hey guys, it has been a while since I have blogged, so here is an update on my weightloss journey!!!

SO.......... I have not lost a pound, but I can tell that the weight is going somewhere, because my clothes are fitting better! I have decided that on Monday, July 25, 2011, I am going to start the Turbo Fire workout system. It is a 27 week program, made by the same people that created P90X... Wish me luck!!!

Well guys, I pray you have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 4th.... Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Today I went to my grandparents grave. I have been there once since they went to Heaven. That was so hard. My grandma and grandpa were great people and great role models. I know these tears are not only because I miss them. But also because I know they are in Heaven with the KING.

Thank you Jesus for my grandparents. I know you gave them to me for a reason. Happy Birthday Grandpa. Forth of July will NEVER be the same.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Hey BLOG Hey!!!

Yall know GOD IS TOO GOOD!!! He makes a way out of no way and he brings the unGodly to light! I have never had this much dislike or and nastiness for particular people. I mean the Lord really has a way of showing peoples true colors! From my expierence today, I have honestly learned to let go and trust God.

My Bible Verse of the day is;  We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.-- 2 Thessalonians 1:12 (NIV)

Also, one of my facebook friends wrote this status... Tell me what you think!!!
     ---Listen: You're not single, if you're not celibate...bcuz whoever you consummate with, has now become your spouse! #justsaying

HAIR TIP for the day: When it is hard for you to comb your afro, try combing it while washing it when you have conditioner in your hair. This will make it ALOT easier to comb it when you get out of the shower as well!

To say the least, it is pretty late and I need to go to bed!!! I have not been on my excersise grind, so I need to get back on track! Toodles until next time!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Red Wine....

So I'm in my server training at Carrabbas today, and I had to try red wine. I am not a wine drinker as it is, so tasting red wine had me gone for a minute or two. Of the for wines that I tasted, I really liked the J.Lohr Seven Oaks Cabernet. It had a woody taste to it, but it was pretty good. If I'm out with my "adult friends", I would totally order it.

This cabernet would go really good with steak or chocolate. Like I said it was a very woody flavor and was very dry. The after taste was kinda like an oaky sweet tart. I really liked it though.

Anywho, this is my wine journey... Off to my food show!!!

Natural Hair Crack Recipe!!!

My NATURAL HAIR CRACK is a moisturizer that I created that does WONDERS to your hair. I use it when I am styling my hair or when I am just wearing my fro out, I use it to make it shine, and to keep it soft! It is NOTHING like a HARD afro!!!

Anywho, like I said I call it Hair Crack, because my hair JUST CANT GET ENOUGH!!! It also keeps alot of the bounce and if you put it on your afro, it helps define your curl pattern.

When I am making this, I putting it strait into the container that I plan to use if from. Right now, I am using a bath and body foam dipenser, but you can put it in a plain squirt bottle. 

1oz of your favorite conditioner
2oz jojoba oil
2 table spoons olive oil
3-4oz pure aloe vera

MIX all these ingredients in your bottle by shaking fast until it is all mixed together. One it is all mixed, add water to the rest of the bottle. I used tap water for this batch, but I usually use water that has been filtered or bottled water!

SHAKE WELL before EVERY use! and ENJOY!!!

YOU DO NOT NEED ALOT OF THIS!!!  When styling my hair, I drown it, but when putting this on my fro, I put a little in my hand and massage through!

***The recipes found on my blog are provided as suggestions only and without charge as part of blog. I DO NOT guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from your use and, therefore, recommend that you conduct appropriate tests under your own operating conditions prior to adoption. The recipes are intended for use by persons having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. I assume no obligation or liability, and makes no warranties, with respect to these recipes.
I are not responsible for any domestic accidents, that could result from preparation of the recipes.

Natural Hair VS Relaxer!!!

I got my last relaxer on July 28, 2009 for my bestfriend Megan's wedding!!! I was the only black girl in the wedding, and I COULD NOT let any of the other bridesmaids look better than me!!! To say the least, I was FLY AND FAB!!!

Since that day, I have not gotten a relaxer, and I have dibbed and dabbed in the weave scene!!! I am not sure if I want to get another relaxer or if I want to keep my afro!!! I know that "NATURAL" is the thing to do right now, but hey, its my hair... AND it will grow back!!!!

What do you think? NATURAL HAIR or RELAXED HAIR???

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Getting ready for my morning walk with my parents! My goal is to lose 400+ calories this morning. Wish me luck!!! Ill let you know my status later!!! Toodles!!!