About Me

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My name is Lauren, I am a 23 year old wife, mother, student, employee, friend and CHRISTIAN! I believe in Jesus Christ and I know that as long as I believe in myself, the Lord will see me through! As far as my weightloss journey is concerned, I have always been a heavy girl! I was picked on when I was younger, my feelings were often hurt (KIDS ARE MEAN), and I wanted to change, but was always too LAZY to change. THUS BEING SAID, TODAY IS MY DAY!!! From this day forward, I vow to do everything in my power to be a healthy woman for not only my family and friends, BUT ALSO FOR ME!!! As I work towards my goal, I need all the prayers and support that I can get. Thank you in advance!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

4 down.... 204 days to FIT & FAB!!!

I have been wanting to blog for A LONG TIME!!! I am VERY new to this and I don't really know what I am doing! So bare with me! Thanks!!!

Just a brief summary of my weightLOSS journey! I actually started this journey 6 weeks ago. I was in statistics and my class goal was to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks. Everyone in the class had to pick a weight loss method and stick with it for the 10 weeks, my method is drinking ONLY water and NO FAST FOOD!!! For the first 5 weeks, I stuck my my plan and lost 8 lbs. Situations happened and I slipped during week 6 and I gained .73 of a pound!!! NOT GOOD!!!

Thus being said, this method is very hard, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Sonic.... YUMMY!!! But I can't let those easy options lead me to distruction. This blog will help me stay focused because I want to be able to encourage other people with my same issues.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy everything I have to offer!!!

OH YEAH, in addition to not eating fast food and only drinking water, I am attempting to not eat WHITE CARBS after lunch. I am also adding LOTS of color to my diet. I didnt mention that I do shock my body by eating and drinking ANYTHING on Saturday's.

This week excersise log:

Monday: 40 minutes of Tennis w/ my hubby :: 562 Calories
Tuesday: 77 min/ 4.3 mile walk :: 604 Calories
Wednesday: 56 min/ 3.3 mile walk :: 442 Calories
Thursday: 49 min/ 1.5 mile walk :: 217 Calories

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