About Me

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My name is Lauren, I am a 23 year old wife, mother, student, employee, friend and CHRISTIAN! I believe in Jesus Christ and I know that as long as I believe in myself, the Lord will see me through! As far as my weightloss journey is concerned, I have always been a heavy girl! I was picked on when I was younger, my feelings were often hurt (KIDS ARE MEAN), and I wanted to change, but was always too LAZY to change. THUS BEING SAID, TODAY IS MY DAY!!! From this day forward, I vow to do everything in my power to be a healthy woman for not only my family and friends, BUT ALSO FOR ME!!! As I work towards my goal, I need all the prayers and support that I can get. Thank you in advance!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Natural Hair VS Relaxer!!!

I got my last relaxer on July 28, 2009 for my bestfriend Megan's wedding!!! I was the only black girl in the wedding, and I COULD NOT let any of the other bridesmaids look better than me!!! To say the least, I was FLY AND FAB!!!

Since that day, I have not gotten a relaxer, and I have dibbed and dabbed in the weave scene!!! I am not sure if I want to get another relaxer or if I want to keep my afro!!! I know that "NATURAL" is the thing to do right now, but hey, its my hair... AND it will grow back!!!!

What do you think? NATURAL HAIR or RELAXED HAIR???

1 comment:

  1. Natural...I have enjoyed my natural journey August 2010 for the BC). I considered getting the "silk out" for my daughter's wedding in May,but I really wanted to display my natural hair in all it's glory! I've grown tired of the idea that relaxed hair is more beautiful. I'm not saying it's less beautiful just that I don't need it to make me beautiful. :)
